Saturday, November 6, 2010


Playing catch up with some posts...

This Halloween I decided to be crafty and make Hallie and Hudson's costumes.

Hallie's witch costume was quick and easy to make.
Hudson's mummy costume was easy but it took forever to make. I should have used the sewing machine but I didn't feel like dragging it out and setting it up...lazy I guess.

Alexis worked with H&H on saying Trick-or-Treat, however; they still wouldn't say it. Hallie did get the idea of what was going on and was holding her bucket out. Hudson was freezing and really didn't care. Oh well hopefully next year will go better and be a warmer night. I know we live in Ohio, and you cannot count on Ohio weather.

Hospital stay....

Here we go again...

I am just getting to be able to sit and write on here, thanks to Toy Story 3.... :)

Poor little Hudson has such a terrible time even with just the sniffles.
Starting Wed Oct 26 he started with the sniffles, Thurs we went Trick-or-Treating, Friday night he was starting to wheeze. We started him on his nebulizer, ever 4 hrs, then 3hrs and even piggybacked a couple. Still he was struggling to breathe! I got him to the Dr the next morn. His pulse ox was low 80's... YIKES!! they sent us to the ER....Not a great place to be with 2 toddlers. After 6hrs in the ER they decided to admit him. He just wasn't improving even after all the treatments and steroids they gave him.

He did start to improve and was able to keep is pulseox at around 97 even at 100. However they still wanted him to stay the night so, little man and I camped out in the hospital room, while Daddy and Hallie got to sleep in our nice cozy king size bed...

He has now been listed as having viral induced asthma. UGH!!!! He can still outgrow it but given his father's issues with asthma, I'm not holding my breathe. So now the poor little guy has an inhaler ue uses 2x a day.

It is such a terrible sight watching your child struggle to breathe. Gasping for air, lips turing blue, looking very pale. Yet some people think that it is no big deal. I just don't know how they can think that. If you cannot breathe you die!! No way around it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

6 weeks and counting.....

Wow where has two years gone? In 6 weeks our little monsters will be 2. It is hard to believe. Even with all the changes our family has made to adjust adding two more little lives. It doesn't seem like 2 years ago. So what do you do for a 2 year old (or I should say two 2 year olds) birthday? I better get my butt in gear and get planning. Dora/Deigo, Elmo/Abby, Princess/Race Cars.....Oh there are so many choices...

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Start of the Madness

Where do I begin.....
Without making it all mushy and sappy...
Wes and I decided we wanted a child. I have two children from a previous marriage and they were getting older and Wes never had any children so we wanted to try to have a baby. Easier said than done. We had a road block. I had my tubes tied 14 years ago. Long story short our only option was to go through in vitro fertilization. What a roller Coaster ride it was....I never truly understood everything it involved.

Feb 29 2008 had blood work done to check numerous things

Mar 04 2008 SHG sounding and Mock transfer

Mar 10 2008 Wes gave his sample

Mar 25 2008 Wes and i took our shot class ( he has to give me shots)

Mar 26 2008 Started Birth Control Pills and Antibiotics

Apr 2 2008 Had our Protocol meeting

Apr 8 2008 Started Lupron shots in the stomach

Apr 24 2008 Blood work and ultrasound (Ovaries and Uterus look GREAT) Estrogen level is at 17

Apr 26 2008 Add another 2shots in the stomach (total 3perday)

Apr 30 2008 U/S and B/W -- Estrogen level 199 and eggs looking good

May 3 2008 U/S and B/W -- Eggs not yet the size they should be

May 5 2008 U/S and B/W -- Everything thing looks great scheduled Egg Retrieval for May 7th Wes has to give me my first BIG 1-1/2 shot in the hip

May 6 2008 start more antibiotics

May 7 2008 Egg retrieval -- Retrieved 9 eggs has to be the worst pain I have ever felt....

May 8 2008 egg report only 8 were mature and only 7 fertilized.

May 10 2008
Transferred 2 beautiful perfect eggs, bedrest for the next 3days

Now we wait for two weeks......

May 14 2008 took a home pregnancy test came back negative. At least i know the HCG shot is out of my system

May 19 2008 took another one came out positive

May 20 2008 (took another one it came out positive)

May 21 2008 Had my first BETA test and it came back at 191 WOW they want to see you at 50 or more. (did both eggs attach, twins????)

May 23 2008 Second Beta came back at 374...Baby or babies are getting stronger.

May 17 2008 Third BETA 1491 AWESOME....

Now i wait until my first ultrasound. Is there one or two?

June 11 2008 first Ultrasound......I will be 7 weeks.... IT's TWINS!!!

July 17 2008 First OB appt. I have gained 13lbs...Oh my...We were able to hear both heartbeats, we think...kind of hard to tell them apart but Dr is pretty sure there was two. Won't get an ultrasound until 18 weeks.

August 12 2008 OB Appt. Today's appt went well, I am right on target with everything. I am actually measuring at 22weeks pregnant, which is where they want me for being 16weeks with twins. And I deff. got to hear TWO heartbeats. I am now on a schedule of 2 week visits. Next visit I get an ultrasound, I am so excited.

August 25 2008 OB Appt. and Ultrasound.... Baby A ??? BabY B BOY!!!!

August 27 Found out that the placenta is covering the cervix. Praying it corrects itself.

September 9 2008 OB Appt. -- I went to my week 20 appointment. I have gained 33lbs so for. YIKES!!!! and i am measuring what a singleton would at 26 weeks. No wonder i can't get around very well. But so far so good Doc seems to think I am right on schedule with twins. I just hope I can loose all the weight when they are born.

September 18 2008 I can't wait to be able to see what we are having. One week to go.

September 26 2008 Met with the high risk OB and babies are doing great. There wasn't any problems detected. Thank God!!! And Baby = GIRL and Baby B = BOY.......So I am having one of each......Now i can start planning the babies room

This is one of the last pics of me before Hallie and Hudson were born....

It all started Sat. November 29, 2008. Wes and I were doing a few errands nothing strenuous. I was taking it easy. We had stopped and bought a dresser I was putting the seats down so it would fit in the back of the SUV and I felt a warm gush not a lot but enough to be noticed. It was blood. I had a placenta previa since week 17 and never spotted once, which the Drs were surprised about that. So we rushed to the hospital and when I got here I started to loose more blood. Now they are talking about transfusions. Yikes!! I get in my gown and contractions start. Not too bad but getting worse. They gave me terbutaline to stop the contractions and that lasted maybe 30 min. So they tried Magesium Sulfate which worked but they had to give me double the dose the normally give someone. That stuff is horiable. I couldn't lift my head, arms or legs. I also had blurred vision. But since it was working I didn't care. You also get severe nausea and of course I started vomiting and then of course bleeding even more. That was Saturday night. Then on Sunday I started to stablize and I was taken off the Magnesium Sulfate and put on Procardia which is a heart medicine that also works to calms the uterus. I was on a high dose of that as well. They gave me two shots of steroids to help the babies lungs develop. They wanted to know that if they were born early they would at least have a chance of healthy lungs.
Everything seemed to be going well it was keeping me stable for a couple days. They told me I would have to stay in the hospital until the babies were born. So on Wednesday they moved me to the bedrest section of the maternity ward but that was short lived for maybe an hour or so. Yep started bleeding again. So I was sent back to labor and delivery. I was having contractions about 6 an hour. which I could handle those, but I started to get this severe pain that was right below my right side of my rib cage. They tried everything to relieve the pain morphine, dilaudid, you name they tried it. The pain was so bad that it hurt worse than the contractions. So all late Wednesday and through the night I dealt with that. Then Thursday morning they took x-rays and ultrasounds. I couldn't get my blood pressure to stabilize nor my oxygen levels, my blood counts were all out of whack too. Come to find out my gall bladder was causing all the pain Wednesday night. And I have to have it remove in a couple of weeks. That aside they decided with everything that was going on the wanted to go ahead with the c-section. So they were born at 11:36am and 11:37am on Thursday.
I think I got everything straight. It has been a roller coaster ride.

They weighed in at 4lbs 8 ozs each and Hallie was 17.9 inches and Hudson was 17.6 inches